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Statistical models and methods for financial markets (Record no. 83264)

000 -Record Label
fixed length control field 03614nlm 2200325| 4500
005 - Identificador da versão
control field 20240315063834.0
010 ## - ISBN - International Standard Book Number
Número (ISBN) 978-0-387-77827-3
Modalidade de aquisição e/ou preço compra
100 ## - Entrada principal
Dados gerais de processamento 20190128d2008 k||y0pory50 ba
101 0# - Língua do documento
Língua do texto, banda sonora, etc. eng
102 ## - País da publicação
País de publicação US - United States of America
200 1# - Título
Título próprio Statistical models and methods for financial markets
Indicação geral da natureza do documento Documento electrónico
Primeira menção de responsabilidade Tze Leung Lai, Haipeng Xing
210 ## - Local de edição
Lugar da edição, distribuição, etc. New York, NY
Nome do editor, distribuidor, etc. Springer New York
Data da publicação, distribuição, etc. 2008
215 ## - Descrição física (
Descrição física XX, 356 p.
225 2# - Coleção
Título próprio da colecção Springer Texts in Statistics
300 ## - Notas gerais
Texto da nota Colocação: Online
303 ## - Notas Informação descritiva
Texto da nota This book presents statistical methods and models of importance to quantitative finance and links finance theory to market practice via statistical modeling and decision making. Part I provides basic background in statistics, which includes linear regression and extensions to generalized linear models and nonlinear regression, multivariate analysis, likelihood inference and Bayesian methods, and time series analysis. It also describes applications of these methods to portfolio theory and dynamic models of asset returns and their volatilities. Part II presents advanced topics in quantitative finance and introduces a substantive-empirical modeling approach to address the discrepancy between finance theory and market data. It describes applications to option pricing, interest rate markets, statistical trading strategies, and risk management. Nonparametric regression, advanced multivariate and time series methods in financial econometrics, and statistical models for high-frequency transactions data are also introduced in this connection. The book has been developed as a textbook for courses on statistical modeling in quantitative finance in master's level financial mathematics (or engineering) and computational (or mathematical) finance programs. It is also designed for self-study by quantitative analysts in the financial industry who want to learn more about the background and details of the statistical methods used by the industry. It can also be used as a reference for graduate statistics and econometrics courses on regression, multivariate analysis, likelihood and Bayesian inference, nonparametrics, and time series, providing concrete examples and data from financial markets to illustrate the statistical methods. Tze Leung Lai is Professor of Statistics and Director of Financial Mathematics at Stanford University. He received the Ph.D. degree in 1971 from Columbia University, where he remained on the faculty until moving to Stanford University in 1987. He received the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies Award in 1983 and is an elected member of Academia Sinica and the International Statistical Institute. His research interests include quantitative finance and risk management, sequential statistical methodology, stochastic optimization and adaptive control, probability theory and stochastic processes, econometrics, and biostatistics. Haipeng Xing is Assistant Professor of Statistics at Columbia University. He received the Ph.D. degree in 2005 from Stanford University. His research interests include financial econometrics and engineering, time series modeling and adaptive control, fault detection, and change-point problems.
410 1# - Séries Coleção
ISSN 1431-875X
606 ## - Nome comum como assunto
Koha Internal code 30524
Elemento de entrada Finanças
Subdivisão de assunto Métodos estatísticos
606 ## - Nome comum como assunto
Elemento de entrada Finanças
Subdivisão de assunto Modelos matemáticos
Koha Internal code 21405
680 ## - Classificação Biblioteca Congresso
Notação HG176.5
700 ## - Autor (resp. principal)
Koha Internal Code 52067
Palavra de ordem Lai
Outra parte do nome Tze Leung
701 ## - Co-responsabilidade principal
Koha Internal Code 59470
Palavra de ordem Xing
Outra parte do nome Haipeng
801 #0 - Fonte de origem
Regras de catalogação RPC
País Portugal
856 ## - URL Endereço WEB
942 ## - Elementos de entrada adicionados (Koha)
Fonte da classificação ou esquema de estante
Tipo de item no Koha E-Books
Suprimido 0
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